Sterling B2B Integrator Installation: Part 1 – Database

When the Sterling B2B Integrator 5.2.5 was released recently, I decided to build myself a new Demo Environment to play around with. And when doing so, I thought I might document the process.

My plan is to set up a more or less complete environment with a cluster to allow load balancing and fail-over. So to be able to run such a solution on a standard laptop, it is important to create it with a small footprint since it will be multiple servers needed for this complete solution.

I will document the process in several blog entries throughout the installation of the different parts. This first blog will cover the installation of the Database Server. In a standard Demo Environment the Database is often installed on the same server as the Sterling B2B Integrator itself since that is practical. But since my plan is to grow this environment, I will install a shared Database on a separate server. This server will also be used as Mail-server and as a Shared File Server for the Sterling B2B Integrator Nodes installed later on.

Server Info

I will use VMWare Workstation 10 for running my servers. For the Database Server the following server is installed:

OS: CentOS 7 64-bit – Minimal Install
Processors: 2
Memory: 2 GB
Hard Disk: 20 GB
Network: Static: (Hostname:
Users: root, si_user


I use PuTTY to run SSH to the installed server. And for simplicity I use WinSCP to upload installation files to the server.

Java is needed, and as a good IBM’er, I use the IBM Java 7. It can be downloaded at the developerWorks site (login with IBM ID needed).

Install the ibm-java-x86_64-sdk-7.0-8.0.bin

Java install


I use IBM DB2 as the Database (off course), but it is also possible to use Oracle, MSSQL, MySQL etc. The DB2 Install is Wizard Based, and since I use a CentOS Minimal Install, without graphical UI, that creates a small challenge.

To enable graphical UI on a server without GUI, I have chosen to install Xming X Server for Windows and Xming Fonts on my laptop. This will enable running Graphical UI’s through PuTTY. X11 forwarding must be enabled in PuTTY.


Furthermore X11 Forwarding must be enabled on the Server-Side. Navigate to the /etc/ssh/ folder.


Edit the ssh_config and set “ForwardX11 yes” (or uncomment).


DB2 Install, Test & CREATE

As mentioned I have chosen to use DB2, and more specifically IBM DB2 Workgroup Edition 10.5 for Linux. Upload the Installation file to the Server and Extract the file.

DB2 Extract


When the Installation files are Extracted, I am almost ready to start the Install. But as before mentioned the DB2 Install uses a Graphical Wizard, and if not already set, the DISPLAY Environment Variable needs to be set to the IP address of the Host Machine where the VMWare is running. When that is done, I start the DB2 Installation by running db2setup.

DISPLAY Variable and Install DB2The DB2 Server is now installing. I use the default settings when installing. The server will then be installed with the following setup:

Default User db2inst1
Admin dasusr1
Port 50000


To test that the Database Server is working as planned, I start by installing the included SAMPLE database.

Install SAMPLE DatabaseAfter installing the SAMPLE database, I run a query on the SAMPLE Database to test it.

Test Sample DatabaseWhen this test is done successfully, I am ready to continue preparing the Database for the installation of Sterling B2B Integrator.

Create Database for Sterling B2B Integrator

The Sterling B2B Integrator needs a Database for most of what it’s doing. So for preparing for the SB2BI install, I create a new Database named SI52DB.

Use the following Query for creating the Database:


Create SI52DBAfter the new Database is created, I need to configure the Database based on the Installation Guidelines for Sterling B2B Integrator.

Configure SI52DBRestart the database to be sure all configurations is effective.


Since the later installation of Sterling B2B Integrator needs a SMTP Server to be able to communicate notifications, I use Postfix and Dovecot on the same server as the Database just for convenience. Postfix and Dovecot is the default on the CentOS Server. This is not needed if some other SMTP Server can be used.

I will not cover the setup of a mail-server here, but a good “How-To” is found here.




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