New role, new tasks and thus some blog changes

I have been working within the B2B & MFT space for a total of 12 years. First 5 years as a EDI Manager for a Norwegian retailer, then one year as EDI Implementation Manager for a Norwegian ERP vendor, and the last 6 years as Technical Pre Sale for IBM.

Now I am broadening my horizon quite a bit. I was offered a position as Software Client Architect – Cross Brand within IBM. So I am still in the same company, with many of my same colleagues, but have gone from having a relative narrow field of competence, but quite deep down in the technology, to now have a very wide field of technology to work with. But probably not as much in depth as before. I will now in theory cover all IBM software for a smaller number of customers.

So how will this affect my blog? Probably not that much. I still have a interest in keeping updated on the B2B & MFT Space. I have been within that space for 12 years, and will not loose my knowledge there. So I will try to continue with How-To’s when I have something to tell. But I will probably also start writing about other things as well. And probably not only technical How-To’s, but also more general articles where I am covering my opinions and my thinking regarding more general things within technology relevant for my daily job.

So I have now added a few items to the page menu to easier select between How-To’s and more general articles.

Happy reading!

1 comment on “New role, new tasks and thus some blog changesAdd yours →

  1. Hey Erlend,

    Keep the good work and good luck with your new roll. Well deserved!
    I’m sure I will keep pinging you for one question or two 🙂


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